I have just released UmbracoForms.uCaptcha v1.0.0, this plugin makes it quick and easy to add either reCaptcha or hCaptcha to Umbraco Forms, and supports both traditional checkbox and invisible modes.
This replaces the older UmbracoForms.hCaptcha plugin, this has been discontinued.
This version contains several improvements over its predecessor.
The plugin now supports both reCaptcha and hCaptcha, this can be configured using the following AppSetting in the Web.Config.
<add key="uCaptchaProvider" value="PROVIDER" />
Simply replace PROVIDER in the example above with either reCaptcha or hCaptcha.
The plugin supports the traditional checkbox setup with all the relevant styling options such as dark, light, normal and compact modes, on top of this it now supports invisible mode.
All of the settings can be set per form.
To be able to use this plugin you need API keys from your choice of provider, you can find these at the links below:
These are then again set within the AppSettings in the Web.Config:
<add key="uCaptchaSiteKey" value="YOUR SITE KEY" />
<add key="uCaptchaSecretKey" value="YOUR SECRET KEY" />
Please note if you are upgrading from UmbracoForms.hCaptcha, the above setting keys have changed, you will need to update your config accordingly.
You can install the plugin from the following locations:
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